To the manipulators, the playboys, the liars, the fucking bullshit sensitive comics-loving letter writers, the stoners, the chasers, the orgasm withholders, the penthouse dwellers, the...
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Okay so I don`t want to just submit this to men only, because I know that men have had the same experiences with woman. I...
"There are sixteen people in this neighbourhood who vote and receive cash disability payments," the note read, posted by an anonymous writer known only as Artemis of the wildland, suggesting that those people who receive& ...
... with far-right lunatics. Case in point: A flyer being distributed around Portland neighborhoods threatening to post the names of people who receive government disability benefits. ... Artemis of the wildland has yet to make good on his or her promise to release the names of disabled voters, probably because people who sneak around in the dead of night to anonymously spout off their hateful political beliefs are liars, cowards, trolls, or all three. 1. jFacebook &. iTwitter& ...
To the manipulators, the playboys, the liars, the fucking bullshit sensitive comics-loving letter writers, the stoners, the chasers, the orgasm withholders, the penthouse dwellers, the...
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